3rd and 4th Quarter Budget Proforma DVEO's,2013-14
3rd and 4th Quarter Budget Proforma (PRINCIPAL) 2013-14
4th Quarter Budget Requirement Proforma 2013-14
June,July,Aug and Sep2014 Budget Proforma (Telengana )
June,July,Aug and Sep2014 Budget Proforma ( A.P.) PDF
Sept,Oct,Nov 2014 Budget Proforma A.P PDF
4th Quater BUDGET Format (DEC 2014 - JAN & FEB 2015)
PRC 2015 Arreors & Re-Inducted Staff Budget Proforma
Revised 3rd Qr.Budget Proforma (Sep.Oct,Nov15 Salary,Arreara&Re-Inducted Salary) PDF
4th Quarter Budget Proforma 2015-16
Deficit 4th Quarter Budget Proforma 2015-16